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Christine LoyaMy clinic

My name is Christine Loya. I am the General Manager for MyClinic in Red Oak, Texas. On the first day, we acquired the Critical Care Assessment System, we tested a patient who presented symptoms of mild chest pain. We administered the ANS Test on the patient and test results raised concern. This patient test showed possible reduced left ventricular ejection fraction or atherosclerosis with possible causes as hypertension, obesity or diabetics. We became concerned and immediately referred the patient to a cardiologist. The cardiologist did a complete exam, running tests and labs. The results came back positive for reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. In a 20 minute test, we were able to identify a potential serious problem and save this patients life. We strongly recommend incorporating the Critical Care Assessment System into your practice. The results have been astounding and it has helped us to administer better care to our patients and find underlying problems that a basic check up would have otherwise missed.



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