Mini C-Arms Compared: OEC 6600 vs. OEC 6800

Mini C-arms are a pretty important piece of medical imaging equipment, what with all the wildly swinging hammers, carelessly slammed doors, and extremely droppable bowling balls out there. Extremities experts rely on their mini Cs to look at all those tiny, smashable carpals and tarsals and cuboids, so when it comes time to purchase one it’s critical that they know the pertinent details of each model they consider.

In response to this need, we’ve put together another of our handy side-by-side c-arm comparisons to help get all that info out there. Take a look:


OEC 6600 OEC 6800
512 x 512 resolution 1k x 1k resolution
standard CRT monitors touchscreen CRT monitors
parts compatibility with OEC 9600 parts compatibility with OEC 9800
last image hold last image hold
clinical and hospital platform clinical and hospital platform
edge enhancement edge enhancement
64-400 image storage 64-400 image storage
requires external DICOM accessory option available for onboard DICOM
no option for built in laser aimer has option for built in laser aimer
power: 40-80 kVp power: 40-80 kVp
3.5 floppy drive 3.5 floppy or CD drive
27″ x 27″ footprint 27″ x 27″ footprint
Aside from all the information above, there are still a couple of other facts that bear mentioning:
  • TheOEC 6600 is much more affordable than the OEC 6800.
  • The OEC 6600 had three different II modes over the course of its production: 4″ single mode, 6″ single mode, and 6″ dual mode, the latter offering the most flexibility in collimation. This is why the OEC 6800 was released only with 6″ dual mode.
  • The OEC 6600 has been deemed“End of Life” by OEC, however, spare parts for this system are readily available on the secondhand market and there is also a fairly high degree of crossover with parts from the 9600 that can help maintain one of these minis.
  • OEC no longer produces any mini C-arms. The 6800 is their most recent model. There is currently no news to suggest the release of a newer mini C.

OEC 6600- 4" or 6" dual ii, refurbished

OEC 6800-6" dual ii, refurbed

Prices are for 90 day warranties

Leasing options are available with no money down and 3 months deferred payment
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